My research interest is in the field of developmental psychology, with a focus on the development of gender and social cognition. Specifically, I am interested in how adults use developmentally relevant language categories toward children based on gender. My research is mainly conducted within The Early Cognitive Development Centre. I am also interested in the role of the arts in mental health and well-being for all.
2021 - Current
Doctor of Philosophy
The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
School of Psychology
Thesis Topic
Talk, Toys, and Gender: Investigating the influence of child gender in developmentally relevant contexts
Professor Virginia Slaughter
Dr Aisling Mulvihill
Dr Michael Thai
2017 – 2020
Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours Class 1A)
The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Cumulative Grade Point Average: 6.0
Honours Year Grade Point Average: 6.8
Thesis Topic
Organised Extracurricular Social Activity Participation for School-aged Children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder
Professor Virginia Slaughter
Queensland Ballet Pre-Professional Program
Queensland Ballet, Brisbane, Australia
NSW Higher School Certificate
The Hunter School of the Performing Arts, Newcastle, Australia